Its trouble started on may 16, 2005 when a batch of Maggi noodles was found to contain dangerous levels of lead. A complaint against Nestlé India was filed in the additional chief judicial magistrate's court in barabanki district. The food safety and drug administration (FDA) in uttar Pradesh had collected more than two dozen packs of instant noodles from stores across the state.
Nestle India is in the process of destroying Maggi instant noodles worth ₹320 crore after it was banned by central food safety regulator FSSAI due to presence of lead and taste enhancer Mono Sodium Glutamate (MSG) beyond permissible limits. The company said it is in the process of withdrawing the stock of Maggi noodles from markets, factories and distribution and destroying it.

According to a Reuters report, they found a lead concentration of 17.2 parts per million (ppm), which is way beyond the permissible limit. They also found very high levels of MSG. Soon after the recall of Maggi noodles from across uttar Pradesh , other states like Maharashtra and Gujarat also got Maggi noodles tested, results of which are awaited.
Central food safety regulator FSSAI has asked state food commissioners to inspect and evaluate all packaged product available in markets across the country in the wake of Maggi controversy. FSSAI had also handed over a list of 500 products rejected by it as of April 30, 2015 to the state food safety commissioners.
Earlier this month , the FSSAI had banned Nestlé s Maggi saying it was ' unsafe and hazardous ' after test found presence of lead and monosodium glutamate above permissible limits. Nestle' s had also withdrawn the instant noodles brand from market.
Following this, FSSAI had ordered testing of noodles , pastas and macaroni brands such as Top Ramen , Foodles and Wai Wai sold and manufactured by seven companies , to check compliance of norms.
Earlier this month , the FSSAI had banned Nestlé s Maggi saying it was ' unsafe and hazardous ' after test found presence of lead and monosodium glutamate above permissible limits. Nestle' s had also withdrawn the instant noodles brand from market.
Following this, FSSAI had ordered testing of noodles , pastas and macaroni brands such as Top Ramen , Foodles and Wai Wai sold and manufactured by seven companies , to check compliance of norms.
In a letter to commissioners of food safety of all states and UTs, FSSAI had asked them to test samples of noodles , pastas and macaroni (with taste maker) on a set of comprehensive parameters. Cake and masala/taste maker should be tested separately.
While, nestle continued to contend that the levels of lead were within permissible limits (as opposed to the findings of some test that purportedly indicated otherwise) several states also became pro-active by issuing thier own ban orders.
WHAT IS MSG???....
Mono sodium glutamate (MSG) is a type of amino acid found naturally in many agricultural products. It is often added artificially to packaged food to enhance flavour. Native to China, there have been reports of adverse effects of consuming MSG including nausea, upset digestive system, headaches, etc.
Symptoms of MSG are collectively called Chinese restaurant Syndrome (CRS). While MSG is said to be harmful for health, there has been no conclusive proof regarding the adverse effects of MSG. Food safety regulations in India , however require companies to mention the amount of MSG added on the packaging.
In USA and Europe also , MSG is considered as a food additive with quantitative limits . In Australia and new Zealand, use of MSG has little to no restrictions. The FDA considers addition of MSG to foods to be generally recognised as safe'. And yet when MSG is added in foods, the FDA insists it be listed on the label. This is because over the years , specially since the 1960s, FDA has received many complaints of adverse reactions to foods containing MSG.
Does Maggi Have Lead Too ?
The test results showed that the samples of Maggi they tested contained 17 parts per million (ppm) lead, whereas the permissible limit is 0.01 ppm . Exposure to more than permissible amount of lead can affect several functions of the body including the central nervous system , kidneys , and the immune system . The effects are worse for children and lead can affect cognitive function of a child.
The test results showed that the samples of Maggi they tested contained 17 parts per million (ppm) lead, whereas the permissible limit is 0.01 ppm . Exposure to more than permissible amount of lead can affect several functions of the body including the central nervous system , kidneys , and the immune system . The effects are worse for children and lead can affect cognitive function of a child.
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