How do I know It's swine flu ?

Life in India is cheap, cheaper than the sky- rocketing vegetable prices. Why ?
Our sarkar doesn't give a rat's ass about the aam aadmi ! As he only translates into sterile statistics ! Standing testimony to a heartless and selfish country . wherein, a death is dismissed as, woh mar gya, to kya ?
How else should one react to the death of civic and health reforms plagued by a heartless attitude, lethargy, corruption and bereft of cure and consolation. Think...
It took over 800 deaths and over 12000 cases of swine flu for the government to sit- up and take note that India was in the throes of a deadly disease. It's answer? Said union Health Minister Nadda, " There is no cause for panic. The situation is totally under control. "Really? You could have fooled me?
How? Simply, by reeling out do and Don,ts, designating hospitals for treatment , testing labs , announcing preventive measures on radio and TV et al one can not wish the infection away . For that one needs medicines and vaccines easily available. A ghisa-pitta reply which fails to condone and justify the union and state government's delayed action , bad planning and mismanagement. Underscoring , our cavalier, causal and churlish attitude and approach to a crisis.
Importantly what is left unsaid by the powers-that-be is more important . Scandalously, as I found out there is no H1N1 vaccine available in the country to prevent the ailment. Primarily, because the vaccination is normally imported in August and the stocks finish by November. Questionably, was the government tweedling its thumbs knowing that there was no vaccine available till the disease got out of control?
Moreover, what is the Government doing to ensure easy availability of the vaccine specially in public hospitals and inoculating the people against this deathly flue ?
To aver that it has been assured supply of medicines and vaccine in a month by drug manufacturers does not cut ice. What should patients do till then ? Pray to God they don't die and others stay home to ensure one doesn't contract swine flu ?
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